Mobile Phone the Game Changer!
Consumers want to access brands through alternative channels and mobile phones are
quickly becoming the preferred choice for communication. Most people don’t leave
home without their mobile phone, which often functions as a television, radio, CD player,
camera, and computer. It’s easy to see why mobility marketing is on the minds of
marketers everywhere.
Several factors are converging to create the perfect storm driving mobile adoption.
Mobile devices are smaller, faster, and have robust functionality. Pricing for service, both
phone and data, has dropped significantly. Creative and interesting applications are one
of the biggest factors driving mobile adoption. And of course, social networking is the
fuel that speeds interest in applications as people are eager to share “the next big thing”
with friends and family.

How Companies Use Mobile Phones to compete and Drive Business
Mobile devices are also a great way for companies to provide education and training relevant
to the user. I worked with a company that delivered bite-sized training over mobile
phones as a way to stay connected to their sales force and deliver product training. A
question with three multiple choice answers was served to the salesperson’s mobile
phone. The user selects an answer and is told if it’s right or wrong. It then displays the
answer and serves up the next question. For salespeople who find it difficult to schedule
time for online learning, this was a great mechanism to deliver training on the morning
commute or while waiting in a client’s lobby.
John Edwards used mobile marketing heavily during his presidential campaign run.
At events and rallies, he would invite people to pull out their cell phone and asked them
to enter a short code. His campaign organizers could then add the mobile numbers to
their campaign list and text messaging network. Edwards was able to raise thousands of
dollars using mobile marketing as a tactic to connect with his endorsers.
As you evaluate new methods of marketing to tap into the power of this media, it
would be wise to examine new applications and their use among your target audience.
For example:
With Shop Savvy, a phone is now a bar code scanner that can be pointed at any item
to receive a price comparison from nearby retailers as well as online retailers. This application
combines brick and clicks comparison shopping and urges businesses to find
another value proposition besides “low price.”
Mint Financial Services lets you manage your entire financial portfolio by tapping
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